What do you think God thinks about you?

Did you know we can do our own thinking? Have you ever thought about what you’re thinking about?  Literally, we don’t stop to think about what we are thinking about. We need to pay attention to our thoughts, especially the thoughts that are in our minds early in the morning. I believe if the enemy gets in our mind early in the morning, he has us for the whole day. Romans 12:2 tells us: Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out (The Message). We are called to renew our minds daily. We renew our minds daily by reading God’s Word. When we spend time in the Word, we learn to think the way that God thinks.

Your thoughts affect your walk as a Christian and your relationship with God.  What do you think God thinks about you? Do you even realize that God does think about you?  Psalm 40:5 tells us that God thinks about you all the time. You are on God’s mind. Never one time in your life has God ever had a bad thought about you.  He has never thought you are never going to change.  He has never thought you are hopeless.  He does not think like that.  He does not even sit around thinking about everything you do wrong.  He does not think about your problems. He thinks about your possibilities and your potential.  God is the Chief of all Dreamers and He has a dream for you.

What do you think about yourself?  Do you like yourself?  Are you mad at yourself? Have you rejected yourself? Are you trying to be something God is never going to help you be? Are you trying to be someone else that you think has it all together? You have heard the saying – you might as well be yourself because everybody else is already taken. It is one thing to not like some of the things about yourself like your toes, arms, etc. That is a whole different thing from not liking yourself.  You need to have a good relationship with yourself.  For many years, I was trying to be like somebody else.  I wanted to teach like Beth Moore, or play tennis like my athletic neighbor, or sing like Carrie Underwood. By the way, none of these were attainable even on my best days.  Striving to be like someone else is exhausting, confusing and frustrating. You have to realize God is not going to help you be like someone else.

To help me think as God thinks, I get up every morning and I talk like God talks.  I say God things like “I am wonderful.” “As a daughter of the King, I am highly favored.” “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This will change your life because you will never live beyond what you believe about yourself. God thinks you are wonderful even in your messiest times. We should never say downgrading things about ourselves from our own mouths. You say I am a possibility waiting to happen. We must believe God loves us perfectly and unconditionally.

God is love. You can’t earn it or deserve it.  But you have to decide for yourself to receive this by faith. God loves you and He thinks you are wonderful.



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