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Live with Endurance

When long-distance runners race, they settle into a pace that enables them to run for miles without tiring. This pace doesn’t come naturally but rather by spending months, even years, training and focusing on their goal so this “sweet spot” becomes second nature. You also have a sweet spot in your race of life that […]

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Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year!  We celebrate it with lots of food, family, football and watching the Macy’s Day Parade.  But woven throughout all of what we do is an attitude of abundant gratitude for the blessings God has given us. Every day I write what I am thankful for […]

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Rejoicing, praying, and expressing gratitude sound easy to do when life is going smoothly, but what about times when you’re struggling just to make it through each day? Jesus knew you’d have difficult times, and His antidote for stifled spirit is praise-not for the struggle, but to affirm His promise of eternal life with Him. […]

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