Choose Better not Bitter Job truly came to know the living God, not in spite of his pain, but because of it. The pain and suffering drove Job to his knees where he ultimately surrendered himself before his God. In complete trust and faith, he rested in Him. Job chose to become better not bitter […]
Continue reading2022 – A Year of Trusting God
Something about the start of the New Year makes us all wants to live this year better than the last. It feels like January 1 is a fresh start. We make resolutions. We start new disciplines. A lot of it feels like striving to do more, be better. Many resolutions are made to do something […]
Continue readingGive it to Him!
Dear Friend, I want to share with you one of the most encouraging and faith-building promises in all of scripture. It’s a promise I remind myself on a regular basis…and I want to encourage you to do the same. Because when you make the choice to believe the truth, there is no challenge or obstacle […]
Continue readingWhich Translation of the Bible Should I Read?
Many people ask me which Bible translation do you use? Deciding which translation to use can be challenging. First it is important to understand the process of Bible translation. The reason there are many bible translations – to present the original language in a more literal translation. This is done word for word, to preserve […]
Continue readingBelieve You Can Change
No one has been given an unalterable attitude. You can change, but it’s up to you. Decide now how you want to approach life and develop that kind of attitude. From personal experience this is much easier to type than acutually to change my attitude. A new attitude does’t happen on its own. You must […]
Continue readingMake Your Choice
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. […]
Continue readingWho Guides You?
Every day, millions of people around the world abandon their usual scientific worldview and consult horoscopes, believing that somehow their positions of the plants can affect what happens to them. When you think about it, it’s crazy(as well as forbidden in scripture Deuteronomy 18:10-14) Astrology is the “interpretation” of an assumed influence the stars (and planets) […]
Continue readingPRAYER MATTERS
I don’t count myself an expert on prayer. That maybe a strange way to start a blog about prayer, but it is the truth. Many of my friends are more accomplished prayer-ers. I have read lots of great books that have given me insight into the practice of prayer in general. What I have learned […]
Continue readingSecure in His Hands
Have you ever lost an item that’s precious to you? If so, you’ll know how feelings of panic can arise as you desperately search for it, fearful your treasure may be gone forever. Sometimes believers can become just as fearful of losing their relationship with God-often after they’ve committed a sin “once too often” or […]
Continue readingGod’s Bigger Purpose
Butterflies and bees they are both workers in more way than one. While they are busy floating from flower to flower drinking in nectar, they are also cross pollinating. Their focus is on the nectar, but they’re actually performing a miracle by creation without even knowing it. That is the way God works in your […]
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