Why do we read God’s Word Daily? Because it tells us who God is, who we are, and what He did, does and will do for us.

Luke, Chapter 10 has many lessons from which we can glean.

Jesus sent his followers ahead of him to places he intended to go and work eventually (v. 1). Do you serve God with the expectation that where you are now, God intends to work?

People tend to see the crowds. Jesus saw harvest in the crowds (v. 2). Do you see the harvest where you live and work?

Jesus did not say that serving Him would be easy. He described it as being lambs among wolves (v. 3).

Chapter 10 ends with a familiar story—Martha and Mary—which is fitting as we are all busy preparing for the Christmas Season. When you focus on your tasks rather than Jesus, you can lose sight of His love and care and feel sorry for yourself (v. 40). In this passage, Jesus shows us that what we do with Him as a Friend is far more important than anything we could ever do for Him in service.

Yes, you are an ambassador for Him.
Yes, you look for opportunities to be a neighbor like Him.

But your most excellent call and highest privilege is to love Him and His Word.

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