I really enjoyed this article by Hannah Brencher and I want to share it with you!
Before we move full steam ahead into the holidays, I want to show up with a simple reminder for you and me:
This year isn’t over yet.
It’s not time to throw in the towel.
There is still a good 3 weeks left in 2022 and a lot can happen in 3 weeks.
I’m not showing up today to be your boot camp instructor. I’m not going to push you anywhere you don’t feel like going, especially if you’re tired and checking out of 2022 already. But I do want to give you hope if that’s what you need: hope to believe more could happen. Hope to believe it’s not over yet. Hope to believe you can be intentional this with season even if it isn’t the season you hoped for.
I was talking with a friend the other day and she reminded me of the importance of being proactive rather than reactive.
Proactive is planning ahead.
Proactive is having that map of what you intend to do in the days ahead.
Reactive is allowing things to happen to you.
Reactive is basing everything off feelings and feelings, as we very well know, are not always the most reliable narrator.
Proactive for me means placing things on the calendar instead of “hoping” I’ll find time for them.
Proactive for me means NOT ordering Christmas cards this year and allowing myself the space and freedom to just be in the season, rather than trying to keep up with it.
Proactive for me looks like unplugging in the evening and curling up with a book.
Proactive for me looks like early mornings, a slower pace, and a gentle way of life.
What is proactive for you?
You might need to make a list.
You might need to construct the plan.
You might need to clear the space on the calendar for more important things.
You might have to sacrifice.
It’s going to look different for all of us.
But I simply wanted to show up here this morning with encouragement: the year isn’t over yet. There is still time. And even though the holidays won’t look as you expected them to look, that does not mean God is not moving and life isn’t still happening.
Let’s not say goodbye to 2022 just yet.