Proverbs 6 – Learn from the Ants!

God says in Proverbs 6 we need to take lessons from the ants.  To teach us the danger of laziness in our lives, God points to an unlikely teaching source – “Go to the ant.” He tells us, we can learn valuable lessons from ants. From verses 6-8 we read that ants are self-motivated; they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work.  No one carries a whip behind the ant to ensure the work gets done. Ants report to no one and they take care of themselves.

Proverbs 6:8 tells us that ants labor hard all summer gathering food for the winter.  In the summer and in the harvest, food is plentiful. Yet the ant refuses to take her ease-instead, working harder, storing up food for the winter.  Ants prepare for the future. The ant works today for tomorrow.  Ants teach us the value of hard work.  We are called to “Go the ant” because they are industrious, diligent, and wise.

We need to be one who seriously considers the ant.  Solomon says, forget the ideas of someone coming to your rescue to bail you out.   We need to plan for tomorrow.  The best way to do this is to live like the Lord is coming back today!  If we fail to plan, we are outsmarted by an ant.


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