Sooner or later you have to make your mind up where you are going to stand. We cannot be in the kingdom on Sunday and then be in the world on Monday. In these days, we must decide if we are going to be Christians and act like Christians all the time. We live in a world full of compromise which means we accept standards that are lower than is desirable. Satan tempts us often in our Christian walk to compromise. Satan tempted Job by taking everything from him, but Christ’s temptations were the opposite.
We are living in the best of times and the worst of times. The conditions in our world today are desperate. There is a huge movement from the pit of Hell, to get God out of everything. But God is not going anywhere! God started it and He will be around to finish it. These are tough days we live in, but I believe it is an honor to be chosen by God to be alive at this time on earth. We are called during these gloriously dark days to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to make people hungry and thirsty by the way we live our lives! The world will tempt you to compromise and disrespect you when you do. These are not the days to be a lukewarm Christian. We must choose to live a victorious Christian life. We do this by (Colossians 3:1-2) setting our minds on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. We are called to focus our minds on what is important in life. To many times we waste way too much time thinking about our “silly little problems. The more we think about God and the more were intent on growing His kingdom the more He will solve our problems. We can live intentional lives because God gives us the ability to live kingdom minded. We must remember in these days we are here to serve God not man.
To live intentionally start your days by praising God. One of my favorite ways to praise God is by reading and speaking scripture aloud in my home. Try out Psalm 145. Then I meditate on God’s word and journal on ways I can live kingdom minded. I end in prayer asking God to give me the ability to be more like Jesus in the way I live my life.